The Katama Airfield Trust was established in 1998 to assist the Nature Conservancy and the Edgartown Conservation Commission in their efforts to preserve the airfield and to help protect the coastal sand plains and Katama’s 26 rare and endangered species.

The new hangar Construction is rounding the corner to be completed June 2022 and the landscaping will be installed July 2022.
We look forward to visitors coming to see the great work of the town of Edgartown and the Katama Airfield Trust on this joint project

Partnership with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) to host The Young Eagles Aviation Rally at Katama Airfield.
On September 7 th , 2024 the Katama Airfield Trust partnered with the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) to host The Young Eagles Aviation Rally at Katama Airfield. The Young Eagles Rally is a program that introduces young people, typically ages 8 to 17, to the world of aviation. These events are designed to inspire interest in aviation and aerospace careers by providing participants with the opportunity to experience flight firsthand.