Breaking news: Katama Hangar demolished

By Brian Dowd MV Times. Long-awaited replacement set to go up. The World War II–era Katama Airfield hangar was finally laid to rest Thursday afternoon. A small group of onlookers watched as the hangar fell to a heap of scrap amid sounds of screeching metal ….

Scrappy to the Last, Katama Hangar Comes Down

By Louisa Hufstader Vineyard Gazette   The World War II-era hangar at Katama Airfield was reduced to scrap on Thursday afternoon — not for the first time, but definitely for the last. A new, larger building is set to take its place over the winter.   The...

Katama hangar is about to come down

A dilapidated World War II hangar at Katama Airfield will be demolished in the next two weeks to make way for an updated hangar, town administrator James Hagerty told the board of selectmen Tuesday.