New Hangar construction delays due to the pandemic.

On behalf of the Katama Airfield, I would like to sincerely thank our supporters and the Katama Airfield Trust for your dedication and loyalty to the preservation and renovation of the historic Katama Airfield. Currently, the Katama Airfield Trust is working diligently …

Katama airfield accepts hangar gift

The Katama Airfield commission and the Edgartown board of selectmen have accepted gifts of steel building components, an aircraft hangar door, and design services to replace the dilapidated World War II–era hangar

Katama Hangar Heads Back to Voters

Last year at town meeting, voters overwhelmingly approved $1.2 million for a new hangar at the Katama Airfield. That appropriation was in addition to some reserve funds and Community Preservation Act money for the $1.6 million plan.

VOTE “Yes” For the Katama Airfield Hangar

The trustees of the Katama Airfield Trust and the Commissioners of the Katama Airfield hereby request your consideration of voting “yes” for the replacement of the hangar at the Katama Airfield at the Town Election on April 11th.

VOTE “Yes” for the Katama Airfield Hangar

Dear Edgartown Voters:
The trustees of the Katama Airfield Trust and the Commissioners of the Katama Airfield urge you to vote “yes” for the replacement of the hangar at the Katama Airfield at the Town Election on April 11th.

Help the Hangar

In April, residents of Edgartown will be asked to vote on a warrant article to reconstruct the historic Katama Airfield hangar. The airfield’s commissioners are asking you to vote “yes” for the warrant article.