Mar 31, 2019 | In The News
Warrant Article 68: Hangar Replacement at Katama Airfield
Why does the Airfield need a hangar?
There’s a hangar at nearly every airport. The hangar serves as a focal point for visiting pilots to report into, protects aircraft from weather, provides a place for …
Mar 28, 2019 | In The News
Last year at town meeting, voters overwhelmingly approved $1.2 million for a new hangar at the Katama Airfield. That appropriation was in addition to some reserve funds and Community Preservation Act money for the $1.6 million plan.
Mar 26, 2019 | In The News
The trustees of the Katama Airfield Trust and the Commissioners of the Katama Airfield hereby request your consideration of voting “yes” for the replacement of the hangar at the Katama Airfield at the Town Election on April 11th.